
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Birthday Party Craft Project: DIY Angry Birds Game

At the same party for the girls where we made the painted canvases, we played a homemade Angry Birds game. Once again, thank you Pinterest! Inspiration for this game came from this post at Kara's Party Ideas.

We bought several of those cheapy colored plastic balls you find everywhere in summer. And I used acrylic paints to paint on the bird and hog faces. I mod podged over the faces several times because the paint kept cracking. I'm thinking if I were ever to do this again, I should maybe mod podge a base coat first. The paint just didn't want to stay on the ball when it was squeezed or thrown.We set up cardboard boxes to look like the wood and ice (light blue painted boxes--left over from our basement bathroom paint).
The kids all had a blast trying to knock the structure down.

And everyone else had fun watching them play! The "big kids" meaning my husband, brother-in-law, and our friend had fun playing as well when the "little kids" were done. :-)


  1. This is a realy cool craft. I'm going to use this for my 10 birthday party.

    1. Thanks for stopping by! My kids had a lot of fun with this game. Have fun at your party!

  2. Just saw this on Pinterest! So awesome and creative! Totally making this for my sons birthday party :)
