I still have to get our last summer art project posted. And I have a few craft posts to get up. BUT, this week has been consumed with redoing my younger daughter's bedroom. The girls are at my in-laws for the week and we decided to redo Lily's room as an early birthday present for her sixth birthday (her bday is at the end of September) and surprise her! Normally, this is probably isn't a post for the arts and crafts blog, except I did create a couple things to accessorize her room. So I thought I would share. First, here's the BEFORE photos, messy room and all!

Lily is very much a girly girl and her favorite colors are pink and purple. She's had a certain fascination with the Eiffel Tower. I'm not sure where it started, but I decided to run with it and we made a Paris themed room for her.

Lily and I actually decorated her nightstand lamp (shown above) a few weeks ago. I'll be doing a separate post on that project soon.

A close-up of the ribbon chandelier. I made this! Just get three different sized embroidery hoops and use the inside hoop from each one. Tie them together with mono-filament (or invisible thread). Then hot glue ribbon to each one. This was a bit painstaking and tedious and took a TON of ribbon. But I think it turned out kind of fun. :-)

I painted the Eiffel Tower here. I taped off the canvas in the shape of the Eiffel Tower with blue pianter's tape. And then painted the raspberry color on. Pulled the tape off when the color was dry. Just went over it with black paint to create the outline. Added a few white clouds and voila! Eiffel Tower canvas. :-)

I can't wait for her to see it! I sure hope she likes it, I'm going to be pretty disappointed if she doesn't. :-)