This year, I went more overboard on the party decorations than I usually do because I was so excited about the theme! My daughter loves the Eloise books, she has blonde hair, and loves the color pink! AND she was turning six this year! All of this combined made me decide to do an Eloise-themed birthday party. Can I just say, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Pinterest! I never would have come up with any of these ideas without it!
If you are not familiar with the Eloise books and have a daughter in kindergarten, you definitely should check them out! Very cute! There are two movies on DVD as well that my daughter enjoys watching.
These two images on Pinterest definitely inspired me for the party:
I bought striped scrapbook paper just like this and copied the invitation almost exact. I used a circle scrapbook punch to cut out the circle and just cut a diagonal line to make the door hanger look like a door hanger.

The food for the party. Usually, we just order pizza and have go-gurt and juice boxes for our birthday parties. But, somehow, that didn't seem worthy of a Plaza hotel dinner. So I decided to do easy, yet fun and fancy food. I also considered the fact that the birthday girl has an allergy to peanuts. I made almond bark pretzels with pink sprinkles--using vanilla flavored almond bark that actually said on the package (NOT processed in a factory with nuts! Whoo hoo!).
Their appetizer was strawberries and grapes with strawberry shortcake yogurt cups to dip it in (totally stole this idea off Pinterest as well):
Then I made pizza bites both cheese and pepperoni. These are sooo easy. I was just hoping the girls would like them. And turns out they LOVED them! The recipe can be found at this link: Pepperoni Biscuit Bites.
Finally, in lieu of a cake, I decided to do something completely different! We have a great donut bakery near us called YoYo's Donuts. And it is completely peanut/treenut free! They've made donut cakes before, and originally I was thinking of getting a donut cake. But I wasn't sure what shape it should be in for an Eloise party. Then I thought of cake pops...and why couldn't we do donut hole pops! The bakery was kind enough to oblige my request!
They came to me just stuck in a styrofoam cirle. I added the ribbon around the bottom. Stuck tissue paper in-between the pops. Printed out a little Eloise on paper and stuck her in the middle. Volia! An Eloise donut pop centerpiece! I had them do a sprinkle covered long john as well so we would have something to put candles in:
We had a pinata for one of the games. And my 8-year old daughter actually came up with a party game all on her own: Pin the Bow on Eloise's Head! My husband printed this out on several sheets of paper and taped it together. I quick drew and cut out a bow for each girl with their name on it so we would know which bow belonged to which child.
I have to say. I had a fantastic time putting this party together. But I love doing this kind of thing. I wasn't sure how the "fancy" dinner would go over with six and eight year old girls. But they absolutely LOVED it! I got some feedback from a couple of the moms too. They both said that their girls had a great time and loved that it was quieter and not so crazy for a birthday party! In this day and age when I feel like most people do parties at bouncey places, Chuck E Cheese and the like (and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. My kids love those kinds of parties!), it made me feel really good to know that kids can still have fun and enjoy a low key birthday party at our house! And I felt like all my effort was worth it and that Lily had a really fun 6th birthday.